What people say about After Nine

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What people say about After Nine
What goes on in After Nine meetings? What do its members talk about? Above all, what were its members like, what happened to them, and what are they like now?

Some members of After Nine share their experience, strength, and hope below. To read a story, just click on its title. To "close" it, click on the title again. To close all the stories, click here.

"How did these people know... and when did they add three more Steps?"
  • This story shows that you can reach rock-bottom even if you're clean and sober ... and then you can discover real recovery
  • "After Nine has helped me come to a place of more contentment and peace"
  • With this member's practice of the last three Steps has come tranquility
  • "In After Nine, I found a focus on living today, in the Here and Now"
  • For this member, the last three Steps of Program are reminders of how to live in the present
  • "I have experienced moments where I realized that everything was okay just the way it is"
  • After just a few months of attending After Nine meetings, this member can see a difference in his life
  • "Putting this part of my story on paper has helped remind me of the blessings of the past couple of years"
  • A long-time member of program tells why After Nine has been so important to him
  • "After Nine opened me up to the other part of the Eleventh Step that I had never truly explored: meditation"
  • This member discovered that talking all the time makes it difficult to listen to God
  • "Perhaps this is what all 12-Step meetings are supposed to be like"
  • A member tells a little of what happens in After Nine meetings